swimmer doing butterfly

The Power of Balance

wilate® is a von Willebrand Factor/Factor VIII Complex with a 1 : 1 ratio developed specifically for von Willebrand disease treatment.2

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Treating VWD

wilate provides effective control of major and minor bleeding episodes in the treatment of patients with von Willebrand Disease (VWD)1

wilate product
Why wilate?

wilate is the only VWF/FVIII complex that was developed specifically for the treatment of VWD1,2

Young girl learning how to ride bike
Free Trial

Learn how you and your VWD patients can experience the safety, efficacy, and convenience of wilate at no cost.

Co-Pay Savings

The Octapharma Co-Pay Assistance Program can provide your eligible VWD patients with significant savings on some of the costs associated with their treatment.

pharmacist working in pharmacy
Virna Alcantara

“We discussed treatment options with our Hematologist and together we chose wilate. As soon as we started using wilate, things began to improve for my son, Fernando."

Virna Alcantara
Mother/ Los Angeles, CA

* Based on the Recommended Dosing Guide for wilate. See Dosage and Administration, section 2.1 of Full Prescribing Information.

  1. Berntorp E, et al. Haemophilia. 2009;15:122-130.
  2. wilate Full Prescribing Information. Paramus, NJ: Octapharma; rev December 2023.